Thank you to Canary and Cage Bird Federation of Australia (CCBFA) for supplying the info published below. For further info on the CCBFA and its activities, including details relating to Australian bird shows and matters related to government legislation and regulation etc., please click on this link:
Australian Bird Clubs
General Avicultural
Canary and Cage Bird Federation of Aust Inc. Meets bi-monthly 1st Wed Ashfield RSL Club 374 Liverpool Road Ashfield at 8pm Sec: Ron Robertson 02 9452 2396 secretary@ccbfa.org.au http://www.ccbfa.org.au
Australian Capital Territory
Canberra Bird Club Inc. Pres. Mick Logan 0408 630 108 micklogan@iinet.net.au
New South Wales
Armidale Caged Bird Club Inc Meets 2nd Thursday in month at 7:30 pm, at the Armidale Ex Services Club Sec: Matthew Rowbottom 0431 292 101 mmrowbottom@gmail.com
Association of New South Wales Country Bird Clubs Sec: Peter Naylor/ Geoff Wheeler 0427 259 362/ 0437 501 560 peterbbirds@hotmail.com
Avicultural Society of The Central Coast Inc Meets 4th Friday in month at 8:00pm at the Ourimbah RSL, Pacific Hey. Ourimbah Teas: David Barraclough 04107 267 627 http://www.centralcoastaviculturalsociety.com
Avicultural Society of NSW Inc Meets 1st Tuesday of month at 8:00 pm at the Community Hall, 8 River Rd. Ermington Sec: Paul Henry 02 9874 2464 paulkate101@gmail.com http://www.aviculturalsocietynsw.org
Avicultural Society Social Birdkeepers Inc. Meets 1st Friday of month at 8:00 pm at the Senior Citizens Hall Council Community Centre, Redman Parade Belmore. Ian Ward 02 9666 4559 ianward1@bigpond.com.au
Bathurst Regional Avicultural Society Inc. Meets bimonthly on 2nd Sunday Sec: Brendan Cashen 0421 207 548 brendancashen@yahoo.com.au
Blacktown & District Cage Bird Society Meets 2nd Tues. in month at 8pm in Committee Room Blacktown Showground Entrance Via Kent St. Blacktown Sec: Christine Gruntar 0418 239 507 clissy@ozemail.com.au
Brisbane Water Cage Bird Society Meets at Sth Woy Woy Progress Hall Woy Woy 9:30 am on the 3rd Sun in month Sec: Pauline Hill (02) 4341 7903 firemantom43@hotmail.com
Central West Bird Club Inc Meets bi-monthly 2nd Sun in month Sec: Natika Smith 0420 425 833 natika_smith@live.com.au
Clarence River District Cage Bird Club Inc Meets 2nd Monday 6:00pm Grafton Showground Prince Street. Sec: Lindi Watkins (02) 6643 1323
Great Lakes Manning Bird Club Inc. Meets at a member’s home. Marj Squires 02 6557 5253 carole@thomasheritage.info
Gulgong And District Avicultural Society Inc. Meets monthly last Sunday 2 pm Gulgong Showground Sec: Gary Phillips (02) 6374 1348 wyndot12@gmail.com
Hunter Valley Avicultural Society Inc. Meets 3rd Friday in month 8:00 pm at Telarah Bowling Club, Clark Street Telarah Sec. Tracey Cambourn 0408 600 772 secretary.hvas@hotmail.com
Inverell Birdkeepers Club Inc. Meets 2nd Wed of month 7:00 pm at Club House Inverell Show Ground Sec: Trevor Woodham (02) 6723 1388 btwoodham2@bigpond.com http://www.inverellsocialbirdkeepersgroup.com.au
Kempsey Macleay Bird Club Inc Meets 3rd Sunday of month at Masonic Hall at 10:00 am Pres. Peter O'Dell 0429 923 541 jedda397@gmail.com
Macarthur Aviary Bird Club Inc Meets 1st Tues. in month at 8:00 pm at the Catholic Church Hall, 58 Edgar Street Macquarie Fields Treas. Ben Doyle (02) 9820 8746 macbirdclub@gmail.com
Manly Warringah Avicultural Society Inc Meets 3rd Thursday in month at 7:00 pm except June/July/Dec/Jan at Corner Allambie Road & Owen Stanley Ave. Allambie Heights Sec: Susan Heffernan 02 4973 4944 sueheff@hotmail.com https://www.facebook.com/manlywarringahaviculturalsociety
Namoi Valley Aviculture Club Inc. Meets 2nd Friday of Month 7:30 pm at Gunnedah Services & Bowling Club Pres: Adrian Byrnes 0400 045 987 info@gunnedahbirdsale.com http://gunnedahbirdsale.com
Nepean District Caged Bird Club Meets 1st Tues. in month Show Ground Station St Penrith Sec: Howard Sumner 0400 547 714 howchris@optusnet.com.au
Newcastle/Maitland Canary & Cage Bird Club Sec: Robert Vollmer (02) 4932 6732 robert.vollmer@hth.com.au
Northern Avicultural Society (Newcastle) Inc Meets 2nd Friday in months of Mar, Apr, Jun. Sep. & Dec at 7.30pm at Shortland Wetlands Centre Sandgate Rd Shortland Treas: Garry Hainsworth (02) 4963 3623 garyhainsworth@mmbs.com.au
Northern Rivers Avicultural Society Inc Meets last Saturday every 2nd month. Terrence Cheney 0403 203 433 terrencecheney@hotmail.com
Orana Avicultural Society Inc Meets at Railway Bowling Club Erskine St Dubbo 2nd Tue of Feb, May, Aug, Nov. Sec: Ian Todhunter 0427 430 842 toddy.3@hotmail.com
Orange Bird Society Meets 3rd Wed. of each month (Jan-Nov) at Orange Senior Citizens Centre Sec: Gisela Deasey (02) 6368 7319 deaseygm@activ8.net.au
Ryde District Canary & Cage Bird Society Inc Meets 3rd Tues. in month Uniting Church Hall Cnr Victoria Rd & Trumper St Ermington Sec: John Farr (02) 9871 8023 http://www.rydecanarysociety.websyte.com.au
Smallwood Social Bird Keepers Group Sec. Joe Refalo 0416 163 542
Shoalhaven Avicultural Society Inc. Meets 2nd Tues. in month at 7:00pm South Nowra PCYC Pres: Ray Faulds 02 4423 4475 poppypoodle@bigpond.com http://www.sas.asn.au
South Sydney Avicultural Society Of NSW Meets 4th Tue in month at Kooloora Community Centre 167 Bilga Crescent. Malabar at 7:30pm Sec: Bruce Bradford (02) 9344 0779 bnbradford@tpg.com.au
Wagga & District Cage Bird Society Inc Sec: Bruce Ryan (02) 6922 8200 bruceryan@ozemail.com.au
Wollongong & District Avicultural Society Inc. Meets 3rd Mon in month at 7:30 pm at Balgownie Village Community Centre 113 Balgownie Rd Balgownie Sec: Brad Kerr 0407 009 506 wassec@outlook.com
Yass & District Cage Bird Club Inc Rhonda & Mark 02 6226 5663
Young & District Cage Bird Society Meet 1st Monday every second month Sec: Garry Cummins 0439 455 454 younghotel@westnet.com.au
Beaudesert Parrot & Finch Association Inc. Meets 2nd Friday in month at Iasa Building, South St. Jimboomba Pres: Anne Da Costa 0402 920 813 triple3jjj@bigpond.com http://www.bpfa.websyte.com.au
Beenleigh Bird Breeders Association Inc. Meets 1st Wednesday in month Treas. Ray Blumsom 07 3829 9793 rayrobynb@optusnet.com.au http://beenleighbirdbreeders.jigsy.com
Bundaberg Bird Breeders Club Inc. Meets 3rd Tuesday 7:30 pm at Family Centre Bundaberg. Treas Treas: John Tadgell (07) 4152 9637 tadgell1@bigpond.com
Bundaberg Canary and Caged Bird Society Inc Meets monthly last Monday 7:30 pm at Family Centre Bunderberg Showground Treas: John Tadgell (07) 4152 9637 tadgell1@bigpond.com
Burnett Bird Keepers Association Inc. Pres. Ralph Cutler 0411 888 117 travellingcs@yahoo.com.au
Coral Coast Bird Club Inc. Meets 3rd Sunday of month except December Sec: John Cameron 07 4945 1643 camo.50@bigpond.com
Downs Bird Breeders Association Inc. Meets monthly 2nd Friday 7:45pm at Education Centre, Baker St. Toowoomba Pres: Des English (07) 4630 4469 editor@dbba.net http://www.dbba.net
Far North Queensland Bird Breeders Club Inc. Meets 2nd Sunday in month Sec: Margaret Clarke 07 4095 3683 / 0407 542 501 bjbear27@bigpond.net.au
Gold Coast Aviary Bird Association Inc. Meets 3rd Friday of month Min Pavilion Mudgeeraba Showground Gold Coast Pres: Lyn Carr 0411 048 348 glkcarr@bigpond.com http://www.goldcoastaviarybird.org.au
Gympie Cage Bird Club Inc. Meets monthly 1st Sun 1.30pm at Club House Gympie Show Grounds Sec: Jenny Stolberg (07) 5482 4545 jag@spiderweb.com.au
Hervey Bay Bird Club Inc. Meets last Sat in month at Neighborhood Centre, Charles St. Hervey Bay at 2:00pm Pres. Dave Kalbfell 07 4121 4605/ 0447 231 801 themaintenanceman1@bigpond.com
Ingham Bird Club. Meets 3rd Sunday of month. Pres: Pauline Jayasuria 0400 045 405 jayasuria1@bigpond.com
Queensland Avicultural & Canary Improvement Society Inc. Meets 1st Sat of alternate month 1:30pm Sec: Neal Axelby (07) 5442 2454 naxelby@bigpond.com
Queensland Bird Breeders Club Inc. Meets 3rd Sun - Jan to Nov, Guide Hut Station Rd Longanlea Treas: Marj Jensen 07 3200 5836 jmjensen1@optusnet.com.au
Queensland Council of Bird Societies Inc. Meets 3rd Mon 7:00pm Loganlea Guide Hall Station Rd Sec. Robyn Holmes 0419 266 674 qldcbs@gmail.com
Rockhampton Finch & Parrot Social Club Inc. Meets 3rd Sun in month Sec: Fiona Forrest 0409 791 488 fifoney@gmail.com
Sarina Bird Club Inc. Meets 2nd Tuesday in month at Poultry Pavillion, Sarina Showgrounds Sec: Donna Hall 07 4956 4673 donna295@bigpond.com
Sunshine Coast Avicultural Society Inc. Sec. Garry Jones 0403 424 701 garryj24@gmail.com
Thuringowa Bird Club Inc. Meets 1st Sunday of month Sec: David Sampson 0438 036 639 thuringowabirdclub@gmail.com
Toowoomba Avicultural Society Inc. Sec: Neville McMahon (07) 4633 7898 nevillemcmahon@bigpond.com
Towers Birdkeepers Inc. Meets 3rd Sunday of month Sec. Mrs Ann Stone 0407 383 244 towersbirdkeepersinc@gmail.com
Combined Council of Queensland Avicultural Clubs. Sec. Neal Axelby 0419 789 119
Fraser Coast Bird Club Inc. Meets 3rd Sun of Month 2:00 pm CWA Hall Torquay Tce, Pialba Treas. Paul Lougheed 07 4124 0671 paul.bev@live.com.au
Wide Bay Aviculture Society Inc. Meets 2nd Sat of month, at 2pm, Baddon Scout Hal, Maryborough Sec. Karen Dempster 07 4123 0872 karen_dempster@hotmail.com
South Australia
Avicultural Society of South Australia Inc. Meet 2nd Tue of month 8:00pm, Estonia Hall, Jeffcott Street North Adelaide SA Pres. Richard Chilton 08 8254 6401 amalurus@adam.com.au http://www.birdkeepinginaustralia.com
Avicultural Society of South Australia Inc. - Mid-North Branch Meets 3rd Sunday of month at various members homes. Richard Chilton 08 8254 6401 amalurus@adam.com.au http://www.birdkeepinginaustralia.com
Fleurieu Peninsula Cage Bird Society Inc. Meets 3rd Friday in month at 7:30 pm at Elizabeth House, 112 Elizabeth Road, Christie Downs, except May, Nov & Dec. Sec. Debbie Dart 0439 568 974 pdreefdiver@hotmail.com http://www.clubfleurieu.websyte.com.au
South Australian Canary & Pigeon Society Inc. Treas. David Lewis 08 8278 3965 sacp.secretary@gmail.com
Avicultural Society of South Australia Inc. - South East Branch Richard Chilton 08 8254 6401 amalurus@adam.com.au http://www.birdkeepinginaustralia.com
Launceston Canary & Cage Bird Society Inc. Meets monthly 2nd Tue at Summerdale Community Centre, Prospect Sec: Rae Lindsey 0438 931 348 bettykeithwest@gmail.com
North West Bird Club Tasmania Inc. Meets 2nd Friday of month at 7:30 pm Wynyard Showgrounds Jackson St. Wynyard Sec: Lorna Dicker (03) 6442 1820 lornadoone99@hotmail.com http://www.northwestbirdclubtasmania.org.au
Avicultural Society of Australia Meets at 8pm on the 4th Wed of each month (Except December) at “The Pines Learning Centre” 520 Blackburn Road, East Doncaster. Membership Sec: Stephanie Gough [03] 9755 2935 sgough52@gmail.com https://asaust.com/
Avicultural Society of Australia Ararat Branch Address: 6-14 Johnson Street, Maryborough, Vic., 3465 Contact: Brian Perry 0417 343 831 naturallyart@bigpond.com
Avicultural Society of Australia Ballarat Branch Address: PO Box 15, Gordon, Vic., 3354 Contact: John Clow (03) 5368 9288 jbw.clow@internode.on.net
Avicultural Society of Australia Bendigo Branch Address: PO Box 2171, Bendigo Mail Centre, Vic., 3554 Contact: Timothy Wise-Knowles (03) 5448 8123 or 0498 490 980 bendigo_asa_secretary@hotmail.com https://www.bendigoasa.org.au/
Avicultural Society of Australia Centre West Branch Address: 585 Corangamite Lake Road, Cororooke, Vic., 3259 Contact: Melanie Foot Ph: 0488 796 557 melaniefoot1962.mf@gmail.com
Avicultural Society of Australia Geelong Branch Address: PO Box 865, Geelong, Vic., 3220 Contact: Naomi van Breugel Ph: 0402 262 112 geelong.asa@gmail.com
Avicultural Society of Australia Gippsland Branch Meets 2nd Sunday in month & BBQ at members home Contact David Ketchion 03 5635 4214 david.ketchion@gmail.com
Avicultural Society of Australia Goulburn Valley Branch Address: 239 Mary Ann Road, Echuca Vic., 3564 Contact: Ron Hicks Ph: 0429 016 957 parrot239@gmail.com www.goulburnvalleyasa.org.au
Avicultural Society of Australia Sunraysia Branch Address: PO Box 182, Gol Gol 2738 NSW Contact Doug Worboys [03] 5024 8395
Avicultural Society of Australia Swan Hill Branch Address: PO Box 1128, Swan Hill, Vic., 3585
Contact: Peter Gathercole Ph: (03) 5030 5598 asaswanhill@gmail.com
Avicultural Society of Australia Western District Branch Address: 50 Spencer Road, Kirkstall, Vic., 3283 Contact: Chloe Brown Ph: 0417 180 973 westerndistrictbirdclub@gmail.com
Gippsland Caged Birds Society Contact: David Renshaw Ph: 0428 518 646 renwood2@bigpond.net.au
Mornington Peninsula Avicultural Society Inc. Meets 3rd Monday in month at Baptist Church Hall, Craigie Rd Mt Martha at 8:00pm. Sec David White 0428 774 929 secretary@birdclub.org.au http://birdclub.org.au
Wimmera Bird Club Address: PO Box 639, Horsham, Vic., 3402 Contact: Karen Unger Ph: 0448 891 175 wimmerabirdclub@gmail.com
Western Australia
Mandurah Avicultural Society Inc Meets 3rd Sunday of the month 2:00 pm Lions Hall Park Rd. Mandurah Pres: Robert Bland 08 9535 3983
Midland & Northern Districts Cage Bird Society Meets 1st Friday in month at Forster Park Hall Cnr.Abernethy Rd & Kaene St. Cloverdale 6105 at 8:10pm Gail Cruttenden (08) 9447 9238 gailcrutt@gmail.com
National Finch & Softbill Association Inc. Sec. Richard Chilton (08) 82546401 amalurus@adam.com.au http://www.nationalfinch.com
Australian Capital Territory
Canberra Finch Club Inc. Meets last Tues in month at 7:30pm at Weston Creek Labor Club, Teesdale St, Weston Daniel Gair 0407 959 316 d.gair@bigpond.com http://www.canberrafinchclub.org.au
New South Wales
Finch Society of Australia Inc. Meets 2nd Wed of month 7:30 pm at Prairiewood Youth Centre 194-222 Restwell Rd Prairiewood Sec. Brian Read 0408 660 332 secretary@finchsociety.org http://www.finchsociety.org
Hawkesbury Finch Club Meets 4th Wed of month at Castlereagh Community Hall Castlereagh Sec: Ron James 0415 878 162 yarrajames@bigpond.com.au http://www.hawkesburyfinchclub.com
Hunter Valley Finch Club Inc. Meets 1st Frid in month (except January) at 7:30 at Maitland Park Bowling Club Sec: Tony Maher 0413 925 578 tonywmaher1960@gmail.com http://www.hunterfinches.websyte.com.au
Lake Macquarie Zebra Finch Society Inc. Meets bi-monthly (even) at a member’s home Pres: Gilbert Bunn (02) 4953 2482 gilbunn12@bigpond.com
Northern Zebra Finch Society Peter Trow (02) 6732 5400 pktrow@bigpond.com.au
NSW Finch Exhibitors Society Inc. Meets 2nd Sun of alternate months (odd) at 10am Pres. Ross Appleby Sec: John Walsh 02 4268 3793 / (02) 9451 0911 ktwsh@optusnet.com.au
Wollongong Finch Club Inc. Meets 1st Mon of month 7:30 pm Balgownie Village Community Centre Pres. Steve Porter 0423 624 200
Zebra Finch Society of Australia Inc. Meets 3rd Sun. in month Sec: John Walsh (02) 9451 0911 ktwsh@optusnet.com.au
Queensland Finch Society Meets first Friday of every month (doors open 7pm) at Morningside School of Arts Hall, Cnr Wynnum & Thynne Roads, Morningside, Brisbane Membership Co-ordinator Chris Leeper 07 3802 1511 memberships@qfs.org.au https://qfs.org.au/
South East Queensland Zebra Finch Society Inc. Meets 3rd Sun in month contact for details Sec: John Pettigrew 0447 717 872 birds.john@yahoo.com
Victorian Zebra Finch Inc. Meets bi-monthly on 2nd Sunday Sec. Jade Seabrook 0408 337 498 jseabro3@yahoo.com.au http://www.victorianzebrafinch.com
Western Australia
Finch Society of Western Australia Inc. Meets 4th Tuesday of month 209 Main St. Osborne Park 7:30pm Sec. Connie Stevens 0422 131 784 fsa@live.com.au
Zebra Finch Society Western Australia Inc. Neil Creighton Sec: Murray Duncan 0478 214 311/0427 724 403 murrayd@iinet.net.au
African Lovebird Society of Australia Inc. Meets at Thompson Hall Activity Room, 92 Seven Hills Rd. Baulkham Hills NSW at 1930hrs Sec. Graham Devlin 0408 278 514 grahampdevlin@hotmail.com
New South Wales
Native Cockatiel Society of Australia Inc. Meets 2nd Mon in month Pres. Parick Waite 0467 203 040 president@cockatiel.org.au http://www.cockatiel.org.au
Parrot Breeders & Exhibitors Society of NSW Inc. Meets 2nd Wed. in month at 7.30pm Lansvale Community Hall Day St Lansvale Sec: Mark Gallagher 02 9838 1256 mark@avicultureaccessories.com.au
Parrot Society of Australia (NSW) Inc. Meets 3rd Fri of mth excl. Dec. at Balcombe Community Bldgs. Stamford Hall, 92 Seven Hills Rd. Baulkham Hills. Pres. Dean Baker 0411 578 996 waterfallaviaries@bigpond.com.au
African Lovebird & Foreign Parrot Society Qld Inc. Meets monthly 4th Wed. Dutton Park State School Annerley Rd Dutton Park QLD Treas:Terry White 07 3814 3791 whiterosejune41@gmail.com
Australian National Cockatiel Society Po Box 3100 Bracken Ridge Queensland 4017 secretary@cockatielsociety.org.au